PO文学 > 精品文学 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Had I The Wyte? She Bade Me

Had I The Wyte? She Bade Me

    had i the wyte? she bade me
    had i the wyte, had i the wyte,
    had i the wyte? she bade me;
    she watch'd me by the hie-gate side,
    and up the loan she shaw'd me.
    and when i wadna venture in,
    a coward loon she ca'd me:
    had kirk an' state been in the gate,
    i'd lighted when she bade me.
    sae craftilie she took me ben,
    and bade me mak nae clatter;
    “for our ramgunshoch, glum gudeman
    is o'er ayont the water.”
    whae'er shall say i wanted grace,
    when i did kiss and dawte her,
    let him be planted in my place,
    syne say, i was the fautor.
    could i for shame, could i for shame,
    could i for shame refus'd her;
    and wadna manhood been to blame,
    had i unkindly used her!
    he claw'd her wi' the ripplin-kame,
    and blae and bluidy bruis'd her;
    when sic a husband was frae hame,
    what wife but wad excus'd her!
    i dighted aye her e'en sae blue,
    an' bann'd the cruel randy,
    and weel i wat, her willin' mou
    was sweet as sugar-candie.
    at gloamin-shot, it was i wot,
    i lighted on the monday;
    but i cam thro' the tyseday's dew,
    to wanton willie's brandy.
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