PO文学 > 精品文学 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > O Aye My Wife She Dang Me

O Aye My Wife She Dang Me

    o aye my wife she dang me
    chorus—o aye my wife she dang me,
    an' aft my wife she bang'd me,
    if ye gie a woman a' her will,
    gude faith! she'll soon o'er-gang ye.
    on peace an' rest my mind was bent,
    and, fool i was! i married;
    but never honest man's intent
    sane cursedly miscarried.
    o aye my wife, c.
    some sairie comfort at the last,
    when a' thir days are done, man,
    my pains o' hell on earth is past,
    i'm sure o' bliss aboon, man,
    o aye my wife, c.
新书推荐: 事不过三 素女 (古言,1V1,高H) [快穿]每个世界遇到的都是变态 醉仙骨【仙侠nph】(原名:合欢宗双修日常) 春闺娇啼(父女产乳) 药人(1V1,古风,高H) generous mind (gl) 万古神帝 旭爺偏寵我 【np】鹭鹭无为